Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Break Reading

Dear Parents,

Before Winter Break we will be sending home a flyer with your students describing the opportunity to win prizes in the library for reading during this time. In order to win prizes, each student must fill out a piece of paper following the directions on the flyer. The paper should include dates read, title of books, minutes read and TOTAL minutes read. This paper should be returned TO THE LIBRARY with a parent signature. This will be different than their RAH folders. To be eligible, they must keep track of this information on a separate piece of paper and turn it in to the library during the FIRST week back from vacation(Jan.3-6th). Please encourage your students to read over Winter Break!!

Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Morrow & Mrs. Robinett

Friday, September 16, 2011

Parent Check-out Days/Times

PARENTS!! We are excited to announce the days and times for you to come into the library and check-out 5 books per week!! These days include: Tuesdays from 11:00am-12:00 and Thursdays from 11:00am-12:00 and 3:00pm-3:30pm. We are also creating a Parent Lending Library, which includes self-help books for parents. Please ask Mrs. Robinett or myself for it's location! We look forward to seeing you!