Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Spring Break Library Reading

Mrs. Robinett and Mrs. Morrow would like to take a moment to congratulate all students that read over Spring Break and turned in to the library their Spring Break reading logs.  Monday morning, we announced the top readers.  First, we congratulated  the class with the most minutes read; Mrs. Kerr's 5th grade class,  C5 with 9, 413 minutes!   Great reading!  Next, we acknowledged the class that had the most students turn in their reading logs, Mrs. White's 1st grade class, B5 with 17 students.  Great participation!!  Next, we announced the top reader from each classroom:  A3: Katrina:1494, A4: Tyson:340, A5:Kara:247, A7:Matthew:310, B1:Sara:385, B2:Ariel:450, B4:Jose:415, B5: Sarah:1490, B6:Eliana:410, C1:Marisela:990, C3:Sydney:982,  C4:Rich:405, C6:Cecily:2190 and the reader from C5 with the most minutes read Elizabeth with 2800 minutes!  Overall we had 93 students choose to participate with reading a total of 44,183 minutes!!  Congratulations to you all for participating and becoming a better reader.  Remember, the more you read, the better you read so read, read, read!  Thank you once again to LSAC for helping to fund the reading incentive prizes presented to these students.  We could not do it without you!