Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Library Christmas Break Reading!

Dear Parents,

Before Winter Break, we will be sending home a flyer with your student describing the opportunity to win prizes/BOOKS in the library for reading during this time. In order to win a prize, each student must fill out "My Reading Record."   The columns include title, author's last name, minutes read, level of book, page began, page ended and genre.  At the end of Winter Break, your student needs to do some math by taking their total minutes and turning them into their TOTAL HOURS READ.  This paper should be returned TO THE LIBRARY with a PARENT SIGNATURE. This will be different than their RAH/MAH folders. To be eligible, they must keep track of this information on THIS piece of paper and turn it in to the library during the FIRST week back from vacation(Jan.6-10TH). Please encourage your students to read over Winter Break!!

Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Morrow & Mrs. Robinett

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Forest Ridge Library Schedule 2013-2014

The Forest Ridge Library is now open to ALL, including our parents.  The times for check-out are: Tuesdays & Fridays from 3:15PM to 3:30PM. Each week a parent will be able to check out 5 books.
This is a great way to get new books to read to your kids without having to buy them or drive too far.  The parent club has also purchased books for parents on topics such as parenting students with ADHD, TAG, Autism, how to help your new reader, etc. 
Students will check out their books at their regular library time.  The following schedule is when your students should return their book each week, in order to check out a new one on their library day:
Monday—C3, C6 
Tuesday—B1, C1, C5 
Wednesday—A3, B5
Thursday A4, B2, B6, C4 
Friday—A5, B4

See you in the library!  Mrs. Morrow and Mrs. Robinett

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Forest Ridge Library-End of Year Reminder

Forest Ridge Library-End of Year Reminder
We would like to take this opportunity to thank students and parents for returning books on time, helping keep books clean, dry, and free of damage in our library for all students to enjoy during this past school year!

We would also like to take this time to remind all students and parents that the library will be having their last check-out of library books for the school year during the week of May 28-31st.  All library books will need to be returned to the library on Monday, June 3, so that we are able to begin our inventory process.  Please take a moment to help your student find those lost books or bring in payment for those that cannot be found or have fines for damage. 

Summer Library

ATTENTION PARENTS AND STUDENTS: we are very excited to announce that we will
once again be having summer library check-out at Forest Ridge Elementary!! Mrs. Robinett
will open the library on the following dates: Thursdays: June 20, June 27th, July 11th, July
18th, July 25th and August 1st from 10:00am-11:00am. All Forest Ridge students are welcome
to check out books, as long as they are accompanied by an adult or babysitter. Please
use the naturescape entrance. Thank you! Happy Reading!
The Salem Public Library is offering a summer reading club entitled, "Dig Into Reading"
beginning June 4-August 23, 2013. Your student will be bringing home a gold sheet
with information on how to register on-line or in person at the Youth Services Desk. Prizes
will be given for those reading at least 10 hours, filling out their reading logs, and reporting
their hours to the Summer Reading Club desk. Look for this important flyer! You may also
go on-line and check out their website: for more information! AllSalem-Keizer students are eligible.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Spring Break Library Reading

Mrs. Robinett and Mrs. Morrow would like to take a moment to congratulate all students that read over Spring Break and turned in to the library their Spring Break reading logs.  Monday morning, we announced the top readers.  First, we congratulated  the class with the most minutes read; Mrs. Kerr's 5th grade class,  C5 with 9, 413 minutes!   Great reading!  Next, we acknowledged the class that had the most students turn in their reading logs, Mrs. White's 1st grade class, B5 with 17 students.  Great participation!!  Next, we announced the top reader from each classroom:  A3: Katrina:1494, A4: Tyson:340, A5:Kara:247, A7:Matthew:310, B1:Sara:385, B2:Ariel:450, B4:Jose:415, B5: Sarah:1490, B6:Eliana:410, C1:Marisela:990, C3:Sydney:982,  C4:Rich:405, C6:Cecily:2190 and the reader from C5 with the most minutes read Elizabeth with 2800 minutes!  Overall we had 93 students choose to participate with reading a total of 44,183 minutes!!  Congratulations to you all for participating and becoming a better reader.  Remember, the more you read, the better you read so read, read, read!  Thank you once again to LSAC for helping to fund the reading incentive prizes presented to these students.  We could not do it without you!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Bazillion Books

Bazillion Books
Next week, during Read Across America Week, February 25th-
March 1st, we will be having a book give away sponsored by Bazillion
Books for Kids, during each classes library time. These are gently
used books that have been donated by the Salem-Keizer Education
Foundation. Bazillion Books for Kids is a community-wide effort
to end book poverty and foster a life-long love of reading in Salem
and Keizer by putting free books into the hands of every
child. Funded by a volunteer-run bookstore, private donors and
community partners, the program's goal is to give away more than
500,000 free books every year. We encourage you to take a few
minutes to talk to your students about their books and the importance
of reading each day as we encourage using the RAH sheets
each month.
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The
more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut

Friday, January 25, 2013

Christmas Break Reading!

Congratulations to all of the children that participated in the Library's Christmas Break Reading Program!    The grand total minutes read by those students that turned in their Christmas Break reading logs were 34,523 MINUTES!!!   This week we will begin handing out prizes to all participants.  The following students were the big readers in their classrooms:  A3-Abbi-913, A4-Tyson-645, A5-Kara-662, A7-Evelynn-100, B1-Ty-1380, B2-Kaden-630, B4-Hayden-780, B5-Sarah-1615, B6-Elly-300, C1-Hannah-300, C3-Sydney-1590, C4-Carter-150, C5-Serena-920, C6-Cecily-2600.  Congratulations again to ALL those students that read over break.  Everyone will have another opportunity to participate during Spring Break.  Remember, the more you READ, the better you READ, so READ, READ, READ!  A BIG THANK YOU once again to our Parent Club for giving the library money each year to help purchase prizes for these worthwhile events!!