Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Christmas Break Reading - 2014

Today Mrs. Robinett and Mrs. Morrow would like to announce our winners for the library "Christmas Break Reading!"
Total hours read by our school and form turned in was our highest yet with 768.09 hours!! 
The class with the MOST PARTICIPANTS was....B5 with 17 students!!
The class that read the MOST HOURS was B4 with 140.86 hours!!!  
Good job to both of those classes and great reading to the whole school!

We  would now like to announce our individual grade level winners.  Your names and pictures will be in Thursday thoughts as well.

Kindergarten......from A4   reading 8.86 hours  Alisi

1st Grade.....from B5  reading 12.5 hours Josie

2nd Grade....from A3 reading 21.66 hours Vince

3rd Grade....from B4 reading 40.83 hours Sarah

4th Grade....from C6 reading 30 hours Tyler B

5th Grade...from C5 reading 44.66 hours Sydney

and our Grand Prize winner from C6 reading 51.7 hours  Katrina

Individual prizes for all other students that participated will be given out during your library classes.
Remember the more you read, the better you read, so read, read, read!